Chicken Shepherd
A new puppy brings so many new photo opps. Only one of her ears has straightened up so far, but it can take 4 to 6 months.

Today I took her out to the pasture with me to feed the 3 1/2 week old broiler chicks. When I set the first feeders out and birds started flocking to them, Abbie realized where they were supposed to be and started herding the stragglers over to the feeders. I only had to tell her once to stop herding them once they were at the feeders. Then she sat and watched them eat, and if one would wander away she would herd it back. So cute, and only 9 weeks old!
Abbie is definitely a girl puppy. When we took her for her shots, our vet offered her a corn chip. She ate it in 3 dainty bites out of his fingers. She's also a bit of a drama queen. If Ike attempts to play with her and even comes close to touching her, she rolls on her back and yelps as if he's just beat the tar out of her. He just rolls his eyes and looks at me as if to say, "Why did you bring this snotty little puppy home?"
She likes to play with dolls.

Today I took her out to the pasture with me to feed the 3 1/2 week old broiler chicks. When I set the first feeders out and birds started flocking to them, Abbie realized where they were supposed to be and started herding the stragglers over to the feeders. I only had to tell her once to stop herding them once they were at the feeders. Then she sat and watched them eat, and if one would wander away she would herd it back. So cute, and only 9 weeks old!
Abbie is definitely a girl puppy. When we took her for her shots, our vet offered her a corn chip. She ate it in 3 dainty bites out of his fingers. She's also a bit of a drama queen. If Ike attempts to play with her and even comes close to touching her, she rolls on her back and yelps as if he's just beat the tar out of her. He just rolls his eyes and looks at me as if to say, "Why did you bring this snotty little puppy home?"
She likes to play with dolls.

She looks so soft and pretty! And such a smart little girl, to herd the chickens!
My dumb dog is a Sheltie, so he's supposed to know how to herd, but he would run away from something as terrifying as a chicken.
Lovely pup you have.
Love your site...great pics of kids & dogs! Cute blog....=^..^=
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