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Friday, July 15, 2005

At the Fair

Our county fair is going on this week, thus the bit of silence on the blog. We started Tuesday evening washing the chickens. There's a reason for the saying "madder than a wet hen".

Wednesday morning Madeline had her horticulture project judged and received a super blue. First year 4-H'ers can't have their projects sent to state fair, so a super blue means her project would have been considered for state fair if she was older.

Wednesday afternoon she and Matt took her stocker calves (pen of 3) to the fair. At this moment she's at the beef show, waiting her turn at judging.

Thursday morning the chickens had to be brought to the fair. She took a pen of 3 broilers and 5 fancies, and received 6 blue ribbons.

Today is the beef judging, plus Olivia is participating in the Little Miss Mitchell County contest. These two activities will probably overlap, so I guess I'll go one way and Matt will go the other. This evening Madeline is singing a song for "Share the Fun", which is like a 4-H talent show.

Tomorrow night is the dog show (preceded by a day full of grooming and primping for Ike).

Sunday afternoon is the ribbon auction. She can auction off her beef ribbon (actually a duplicate of her beef ribbon) and gets the proceeds minus a 10% commission that goes to 4-H activities. Grandma has instructed Grandpa to buy the ribbon :)

I'll be back with pictures and updates when the craziness is over!


Blogger Susie said...

Congratulations on all the great showing! Wow! Hope the beef goes as well.

I used to win blue ribbons in Central Pennsylvania, but only for pies...

Hope you post some pictures of the chickens!


Friday, July 15, 2005 11:11:00 AM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

I wanna see photos of all! Our county fair begins next week. I can't wait. Haven't entered anything this year...didn't have any corn cob jelly left. Is the prize winning beef auctioned off as well? They go for big, big bucks around here - usually bought by one of the big grocery chains.

Friday, July 15, 2005 5:49:00 PM  
Blogger Becky said...

Tim's out of town for awhile. But when he's back and you have all recovered from the fair we'll give you a call to check out the siding. Plus I want to place my order.

Saturday, July 16, 2005 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was raised a suburban boy, so I never had the benefit of the 4H experience. However, last summer we had one of my son's college buddies stay with us. He's from very rural Kansas, but he had an internship in Kansas City, thus his crashing at our house.

This young man had plenty of confidence and practical knowledge. He gladly spoke of his 4H experiences as much as my boys spoke of being Eagle Scouts.

I think your children have much to be proud of and a great foundation to build on.

Saturday, July 16, 2005 9:05:00 AM  

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