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Sunday, February 01, 2004

Sugar Creek Farm

So here it is, the official Sugar Creek Farm blog. A place to record the goings-on around here. Our little farm is in its infancy. As its stewards we have high hopes for growing it into a livelihood, a place that will feed our bodies and our souls, a place that is better after our leaving than it was at our coming. Our little family will live, and love, and learn here.

Our hopes also lie in providing something for those who partronize us, something beyond the products they buy from us - a connection to land and people and the source of the food they eat, an awareness of where and how the food they eat is raised, a place they can come and feel a part of. The highest compliment we can hope for is for our patrons to refer to us as "our farmers" and "our friends".



Blogger Candice said...

Me too...

This is gorgeous, and it makes me homesick for my family's olive grove and vinyard in Australia.

"Our Farmers" what a wonderful mission statement.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006 6:11:00 AM  

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